Regalbuto sorge in una zona collinare attraversata da ovest ad est dal fiume Salso. Chiamata in passato «Ameselon», fu edificata intorno al V sec. a.C, sul Monte S. Giorgio, a circa 3 km. dall’attuale abitato. Distrutta nel 270 a.C. da Gerone tiranno di Siracusa, l’attuale Regalbuto rinacque in epoca musulmana. La cittadina fu distrutta dagli abitanti di Centuripe nel 1261 e fatta ricostruire nel 1262 dal re Manfredi. Tra i suoi monumenti vanno ricordati la Chiesa Madre dedicata a S. Basilio, con la facciata barocca curvilinea ed un’alta torre campanaria. Al suo interno il sacro edificio custodisce un altare alto circa dieci metri con una statua lignea di S. Vìto, opera di Giuseppe Picano [1790]; la Chiesa di S. Maria della Croce, dall’interessante facciata caratterizzata da un’ampia scalinata; la Chiesa del Purgatorio (S. Rocco) ricca di stucchi ed abbellita da tele dipinte. Interessanti sono pure il Palazzo Falcone del 1700 ed il Palazzo Compagnini in Stile Liberty siciliano.
The town is reached from the main 121 road from Agira. Regalbuto boasts historical origins probably thanks to the ancient Ameselo narrated by Diodoro Siculo. During a war with Centuripe it was razed to the ground and then rebuilt. In 1860 it was the venue of negotiations between Garibaldi and several deputies of the kingdom. Today Regalbuto is a quiet town which lives on artisan work and agriculture on the banks of Lake Pozzillo. Like all Sicilian towns which have been strongly influenced by Spanish culture, Regalbuto also has a artistic heritage made up mainly of the numerous churches spread across the town. Most importantly is the main church, situated on the Piazza Repubblica, a uniquely impressive spot. Of particular interest are the churches of the Capuccini, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Santa Maria della Croce, the convent of San Agostino and the ex-Jesuit house.
The river Salso, in its slow flow towards the sea, has found a deposit for its waters near Regalbuto, the Pozzillo Lake , surrounded by eucalyptus trees and by fertile pastures where flocks and herds remain oblivious to the passing of time. During the period of migrations, it is not difficult to see ash-grey herons, cormorants, folaghe and mallards. The Lake, besides the attraction of birds, is also popular for fishing and aquatic sports.