venerdì , Febbraio 7 2025

Gagliano Castelferrato (EN)

Gagliano Castelferrato si trova a 14 km, da Troina. Centro politico e commerciale dell’antica Galaria, sovrastato dalla Rocca, antico castello, definito dagli storici “scurissimo ed inespugnabile”.

Un tempo esso comprendeva – come risulta da un antico documento – “5 torri, 12 fosse e cisterne, 17 spelonche da congresso, 30 aule e più, nella maggior parte nel vivo sasso incavate”. Di questa cittadina è bene visitare la Chiesa Madre che, risalente al X-XI sec, ingrandita nel sec. XV, presenta una facciata ricca di elementi decorativi e un elegante portale sormontato da una nicchia contenente il simulacro in argilla del Patrono S. Calogero.

Da visitare anche la trecentesca chiesa di San Cataldo, con un tabernacolo di scuola gaginesca ed un prezioso coro ligneo del 600 e la chiesa di Santa Maria di Gesù con un crocifisso ligneo di Frate Umile da Petralia.


Gagliano Castelferrato (EN) – video

The ring road of Gagliano accessible by entering the Agira-Gagliano provicial 22 road from the main 121 road, is the best place from which to admire the town and its pre-eminent characteristic: the rock. Looking upwards, you will see this imposing mass of reddish stone, at the base of which the town gradually spreads out. At times it is not easy to distinguish the houses were built with the same stone. On looking more closely at the peak of the rock, you can make out the now shapeless form of an ancient castle hidden in among the vegetation of Mediterranean bush and the blue sky which stands out behind it. Scrutinising it yet again, you will clearly see the church of St. Cataldo which undoubtedly deserves a closer look. Inside is a very interesting tabernacle from the Gagini school and a precious 17th century choir stand carved in wood. After a tour around the narrow and characteristic streets of the old town centre,another interesting stop off is undoubtedly the church of Santa Maria del Gesù, where Brother Umile da Petralia left yet another of his inimitable wooden crucifixes.
Very charming is the Castle of Gagliano Castelferrato. Around it history and legend intertwine. Ancient documents make us think that in its courts used to camp, in 263 b.C., the militia of the consuls Attilio Grasso and M.V. Massimo after the conquest of Aderno and Centuripe. Mentioned by Cicerone in occasion of his travel in Sicily, the castle endured for a long time to the assaults of the Arabs. It was infact well defended, according to the writings of the studious Nicolò Brancatella, by solid walls, by towers hollow in the very rock, by twelve moats and cisterns and seventeen caves. Interesting the rooms draw in the rocky underground with an extraordinary architecture, with airing and lighting channels. The furniture itself was draw in the rock. It is possible to reach Gagliano from the S.S. 121, crossing the junction located 2 Km before Agira, coming from Regalbuto.

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